Monday, 20 April 2015

#354 MV for 21Shoe April 2015

Here is probably my last post for 21Shoe this month, and I am showing you the shoes from MV Alternative Clothing.  I really like the texturing on these shoes, particularly the peep toe pair.

MV for 21Shoe April 2015

If you are new to 21Shoe, it is a a 24-hour event that takes place on the 21st of each month and gives you the opportunity to snap up new and exclusive shoes at two-for-one pricing.  Each designer provides two pairs of shoes which are either new or exclusive, but always two for the price of one. For more information, and a catalogue of each month’s offerings, please visit the 21 Shoe blog here.

The shoes are only available at each designer’s mainstore, so don't miss these gorgeous shoes at a fantastic price, run to MV Alternative Fashion on the 21st.

Pose:  Wet Cats Poses - See My Stilettoes 

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