Sunday, 20 December 2015

#446 Love all a few, do wrong to none - William Shakespeare, All's Well that Ends Well

Post #446

Today I am going blonde again and sharing Elikatira's new hairstyle which is available at Hairology - this is such a pretty hairstyle, lots of gentle waves and little wisps, casual and relaxed without being messy.  My lovely new skin is from WoW and is available at Designer Circle in 6 tones.  

Onto my outfit - I have never blogged anything from Flippant before but have seen a few of their items that I really liked.  This outfit comes with a texture change hud allowing you to change the texture of skirt, top and shoes (which I am not wearing) separately.  My boots from Baby Monkey come with a texture change hud allowing for separate parts to be changed with a choice of 9 basic colours plus gold.  The boots are still on their new release wall so are still 50% off for group members.  There is also an expansion hud of animal prints available. also currently half price for group members. 

Post #446


If an item is for sale at an event, I give the slurl to that event, but in case this blog post is read after the event has finished, I also include the slurl to the mainstore.

Maitreya Lara
IKON Sovereign Eyes - Leonine
WoW Skins Myst 2016 Tan - available at Designer Circle
Elikatira Anjie - available at Hairology

La Boheme Garland Silver *Maitreya* Manicure

Flippant - Preppy Sweater
Flippant - Preppy Skirt 
Baby Monkey - Zeta boots, basics

 Indulge Temptation - Enchanted Roses Rings 6
 Indulge Temptation - Enchanted Roses Bracelets 4 

Kirin - Florence

There are often more photos of blogged items on my flickr account here.
SLURLs are current at time of posting.  If you need help with anything I have blogged, feel free to send me an email, inworld IM or nc, or a plurk (all links on contacts page).

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