Wednesday, 11 November 2015

#436 Nothing Burns like the cold

- George R R Martin, Game of Thrones

Post #436

My outfit today consists of various current items from Baby Monkey.  The Sophie dress I am wearing is very versatile - it comes with an optional scarf. and the dress, scarf and sleeves can all be textured independently.  You can buy the dress with the 9 basic colour hud, and if you wish, the additional 35 colour expansion hud (but this is just the hud, not the dress) - I am using the expansion hud.  Both are currently available on the new releases wall at half price for group members - but I don't think it will be there much longer, so you need to make sure to get there soon to get it half price.  Oh, I am wearing Maitreya Lara and had no issue at all fitting anything.
Post #436
I have had fun in the snow putting together a variety of looks to show how versatile these pieces are - though I totally forgot to do a pic without the scarf, sorry!  I have teamed this dress with tights from the current Baby Monkey group gifts wall, and the Kent boots, also from Baby Monkey and which are a real favourite for me at the moment, I love the suede textures.  You can buy them with a 35 texture hud or in one of the smaller colour packs.
Post #436


Maitreya Lara
 WoW Skins V2 Nour Tan 01
Argrace Ina, Auburn 
IKON  Promise eyes

Mon Cheri Falsies Eyelashes
 La Boheme Ombre Glossy Set3 Pinkb*Maitreya

Baby Monkey Sophie Dress, texture change
Baby Monkey Sophie Scarf, texture change
Baby Monkey Tights FW 2015 - 16 HUD Maitreya & system layer
Baby Monkey Kent Boot, texture change

Cae Ananda Earrings


There are often more photos of blogged items on my flickr account here.
SLURLs are current at time of posting.  If you need help with anything I have blogged, feel free to send me an email, inworld IM or nc, or a plurk (all links on contacts page).

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