Saturday, 24 October 2015

#427 Something wicked this way comes

Post #427

Wicked by name but not by nature, my pretty green skin is one of three Halloween special skins available at the Lumae mainstore for 100L each until 6th November when they will be at the regular price of 425L.  Each comes with various eyebrow options, leevi ears and shapes plus every applier you could possibly want, so this really is a fantastic deal.

My hair is one of many available in the Hair Shedding Hunt, a store wide hunt at Adoness.  When you buy the hunt object - a small comb - for 10L, you will find one of their best selling hairstyles in two special colours created just for the hunt which finishes October 31st.
My jewelry set comes from Zuri Rayna - this beautifully intricate set is texture change, allowing you to change metals, web, gems and spiders.  You can also add bling if you wish.  I have included a close up below as it  needs to be seen close to be fully appreciated.

Post #427


Maitreya Lara
 Lumae   Niska - Wicked :: Deadly {Pencil Brow}
Adoness  Bremusa: Venom - from in-store Hair Shedding Hunt
IKON Triumph Eyes

Mon Cheri Falsies Eyelashes (tinted)
Izzies - Double Eyeliner green

Zuri Rayna Arachne Goddess Necklace and earrings

Izzies Headshots
 KaTink Brocade Backdrop

There are often more photos of blogged items on my flickr account here.
SLURLs are current at time of posting.  If you need help with anything I have blogged, feel free to send me an email, inworld IM or nc, or a plurk (all links on contacts page).

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