Saturday, 16 May 2015

#363 Radiance of a Different Kind

Post #363

Today I wanted to share this beautiful new skin from Lumae, which is available for 75L at the Lumae mainstore.  You can choose from 8 different tones - I am wearing #3, Rosy.  Lumiya Rae is one of the most generous skin makers in sl - for your 75L you not only get this gorgeous skin with various eyebrow and freckle options, you also get every applier you could possibly need!  And I really mean that - as well as appliers for all the major mesh bodies and heads, you also get petite avvie, baby bump, and mouth appliers.  I adore the freckles you get with Lumae skins, so fresh and youthful.  I have added my own eyebrows and a slick of lipstick in these pics just because I rarely wear a skin as it comes out of the box, I like to add bits and pieces to make it mine.

I have no idea how long this skin will be available at this price, so if you want it at this amazing price, run!

Post #363


Mesh Body:  Slink Physique
Skin:   Lumae Adore 3 - Rosy :: Tulips {NoBrow}
Hair:  Tameless Thyme HUD - Naturals
Eyes:  IKON
Hands & Feet:  SLink 

Eyelashes:  Redgrave
Lips:  Belleza  Claudia
Eyebrows:  WoW Skins Elsa Dark Brows M/T
Manicure & Pedicure:   Hello Dave - Slink AvEnhance - Flowers In Our Hair

Dress:   More Than Ever  - Radiant Sun Dress in Blue
Shoes:  Maxi Gossamer - Sandals - Ibiza Summer Beaded

Necklace & Earrings:   Maxi Gossamer - Necklace - 92 Summer Of Love Peace Sign

Poses: Eternal Dream - Star
Backdrop:  Home Sim

There are often more photos of blogged items on my flickr account here.
SLURLs are current at time of posting.  If you need help with anything I have blogged, feel free to send me an email, inworld IM or nc, or a plurk (all links on contacts page).  

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